by Nick Moss

Services Director

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How Human Risk Management Ensures PCI DSS and GDPR Compliance for Retailers

Nick Moss, Saepio Services Director, discusses how human risk management can help retailers achieve PCI DSS and GDPR compliance by fostering a security-first culture.

When it comes to protecting sensitive customer data, there is no room for error. Retailers face unique challenges as they process vast amounts of cardholder data daily.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are critical guidelines that help retailers safeguard this information. However, compliance isn’t just about implementing technical solutions—it requires fostering a strong security culture among employees. In this blog, we’ll explore how human risk management plays a crucial role in keeping your organisation both protected and compliant.




PCI DSS and GDPR Compliance and Why it Matters

PCI DSS and GDPR were established to create security standards for any organisation that handles credit card transactions or personal data. Compliance is mandatory for businesses that process, store, or transmit cardholder data.

These frameworks recognise that human error—such as falling for phishing scams or mishandling sensitive information—remains one of the biggest vulnerabilities in any organisation. It’s important to remember that these regulations aren’t just about ticking boxes; they’re designed to reduce the risk of data breaches and protect your business from potential threats.

Non-compliance can lead to the loss of customer trust, hefty fines, and severe reputational damage. Additionally, with cybercriminals increasingly targeting retailers, ensuring compliance is vital for maintaining operational security.

The Role of Human Risk Management in PCI DSS and GDPR Compliance

Compliance involves more than just a yearly policy video. It’s about educating your workforce on security risks and equipping them to respond appropriately. Security awareness training empowers employees to recognise and mitigate potential threats, ensuring adherence to industry regulations and company security policies.

At Saepio, we’ve seen how effective human risk management can significantly reduce human error and prevent security breaches. However, not all training programmes are the same. It’s essential to tailor your training to industry-specific risks, such as card data security and social engineering attacks. We take a comprehensive approach, acting as your in-house cybersecurity team to develop a full strategy that mitigates risk across your entire workforce.

Bespoke Phishing Simulations

Maintaining security awareness across multiple locations can be challenging. That’s why it’s crucial to integrate human risk management into your organisation’s daily operations. One key method is through regular, bespoke phishing simulations that are customised based on your team’s behaviour.

This targeted approach increases the effectiveness of each campaign, reducing the chances of employees falling for phishing attempts or other attacks. Repeating the same phishing template offers little value if employees are already adept at identifying it. Instead, it’s important to provide exposure to a variety of attack methods. We use multiple vectors in our campaigns, including links, customised landing pages, and QR codes.

Real-Time Coaching

One size doesn’t fit all, which is where real-time coaching and personalised nudges can offer extra support. How does this work? You can configure real-time notifications based on the security rules you establish. With SecurityCoach, we can detect risky behaviour and provide targeted micro-training at the moment of risk, helping guide employees towards safer security practices. For example, SecurityCoach can immediately alert employees who send their passwords via Teams and provide guidance on safe practices. SecurityCoach integrates seamlessly with existing tools like Teams, Slack, and email platforms, ensuring there is no disruption to your daily operations.

Tailored Training

To strengthen this behaviour further, security awareness training forms the foundation of any human risk management strategy. We believe that engaging content is the most powerful catalyst for effective training. The medium, relevance, and frequency of training are key factors in creating a culture that prioritises security. With access to over 1,300 training modules via the KnowBe4 platform, we offer a variety of engaging formats, including videos, games, and posters, all of which can be tailored to specific employee behaviours.

By combining these techniques, you can cultivate a security-focused culture that helps mitigate risks and embeds PCI DSS and GDPR compliance into your everyday operations.

Human risk management is a critical component in ensuring that retailers not only meet PCI DSS and GDPR compliance but also build a resilient, security-focused culture. By addressing the human element—through tailored security awareness training, bespoke phishing simulations, and real-time coaching—you empower your employees to be the first line of defence against cyber threats. With a comprehensive approach, retailers can safeguard sensitive data, protect their reputation, and meet compliance standards seamlessly, embedding security into everyday operations.

Visit our managed security awareness page to see how we can help.