1. Cyber Foundations Assessment – 4pm, 22nd May

The Cyber Foundations Assessment (CFA) is designed to help organisations understand their current Cyber Security Baseline. Saepio knows that not all organisations are the same, and that the level of time and investment made into Cyber Security needs to be the right size. The CFA will assess against a strong foundational level of cyber maturity, […]

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2. Firewalls and Internet Gateways – 4pm, 19th June

Firewalls and internet gateways such as SEGs and SWGs serve as the first line of defense against cyber threats, making them essential components of any robust cybersecurity strategy. Join us to explore best practices, emerging trends, and practical strategies to enhance your organisation’s security posture and also meet the ‘Firewall’ requirements of the Cyber Essentials […]

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3. Secure Configuration & Security Update Management – 4pm, 17th July

Properly configured devices with up-to-date software are less vulnerable to cyber attacks, as secure configurations ensure that known vulnerabilities are mitigated, therefore reducing the likelihood of exploitation by cybercriminals. In this webinar we will be exploring approaches to secure device configuration and update management, and how to best meet the requirements of the Cyber Essentials […]

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4. User Access Control – 4pm, 21st August

Implementing appropriate access controls ensures that organisations can authenticate users and limit user privileges based on roles and responsibilities, reducing the risk of unauthorised access to confidential data or critical systems. This webinar will cover management of user/privileged accounts, and best practices for password-based authentication and MFA in light of the technical controls specified in […]

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5. Malware Protection – 4pm, 18th September

Malware refers to any malicious software (e.g. viruses, worms, spyware, botnets, ransomware etc.) that can infect your systems. Some malicious programs will access your sensitive data, some may encrypt it, some could steal it or some may just use the compute power of your machines to crypto-mine for example, slowing them down and costing you […]

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